Chemical Legislation

Chemical Legislation

Chemical Legislation covers all parts of the supply chain:

  • Pre-marketing controls - e.g. UK/EU REACH and UK/EU Biocidal Products Regulation

  • Generic risk assessment and approval - e.g. HOCNFs and the HMCS

  • Permiting - e.g. site specific risk assessments

  • End of life - waste control

NIKAM consulting attend key EU and UK policy working groups, such as relevant ECHA meetings, Defra's UK Chemical Stakeholders Forum and the Scottish Chemical Policy Network. We can advise you of developing issues and potential hurdles that may affect your products and markets, such as:

  • Restriction of intentionally added microplastics

  • Registration of Polymers of Concern

  • Assessments Factors for Mixtures

Contact us to discuss your chemical product line and potential impacts.
