
Oil & Gas Sector

The North Sea has an abundance of mature wells and fields that each bring their own interesting challenges. To meet these challenges, new and innovative techniques and chemistries are being employed.

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Chemical Legislation

The EU REACH Regulation when it was past was the single most complex piece of chemical legislation in the world. It has since been surpassed by the CLP legislation. Since then, post Brexit, we also have UK REACH in parallel.

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Environmental Legislation

From the Alkalis Act in 1863, though the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and Environment Act 1995, and on to PPC and IPPC, environmental legislation is becoming tighter on industry. UK & EU REACH are the over-arching legislations, but the Biocide Products Regulation in both areas covers a large number of active substances too. Further afield REACH-like legislation has been introduced in Turkey, Korea and other territories, and the US and Australia have their own regulatory systems.


NIKAM Consulting provides the secretarial function for EOSCA the European Oilfield Speciality Chemicals Association, which provides a forum for speciality chemical companies serving the oilfield market, and their support industries to meet and discuss developments of a technical and/or statutory nature concerning the application of chemicals in the oil and gas industry.

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